
Since 2015, London Wall and its investors have funded the development of:
Residential Units

Affordable Units

London Wall funded developments have contributed:
£9.62 million
of CIL Payments 1

£15.08 million
in S106 & S278 Contributions 2

  1. The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a charge that local authorities can set on new raise funds to help fund local infrastructure, facilities and services.
  2. S106 is a legal agreement made with the local council as part of the planning process, primarily to provide affordable housing and workspaces for the local community, incorporating S278 agreements for the developer to contribute towards adopted highways.


3,800 housing units for more than 1,600 families.
208 being affordable and 360 care & assisted living units.
2,090 student beds of which 53 are accessible.


LW has funded the delivery of 135,880 sq ft of EPC B+ commercial space.
1,500 sq ft being affordable.
This space houses more than 1,300 employees

Over 4,500 jobs have been created through developments funded by London Wall



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